Adore Little Children
During the earlier part of 2021, ADORE operated with skeletal staff because most of the programmes were on recess. The volunteers/staff maintained the buildings, property and the vegetable garden.
The Chief of Ngarange asked ADORE if they could open ADORE operations because parents were ‘crying out’ for the program to be available. ADORE contacted Government officials and were advised they could open in July.
The volunteers/staff were happy to receive the children back into the program when permitted.
The gardening program at ADORE remained an excellent example of permaculture. Originally started to provide nutritious meals for the children, the garden has grown after being gifted land by the Village Development Committee (VDC). In 2021, the volunteers enjoyed corn, melons, spinach and other vegetables. Currently, the vegetables are ready for harvest and the ADORE children will once again be well nourished as a result.
The sewing centre continued to do very well during the 2021 year. This program is on its way to being self sustainable. The sewing centre team has designed and sewn masks, clothing and child carriers.
The carpentry program was on recess in 2021 because wooden pallets were unavailable. In 2022, Devxchange hopes to be able to provide funds to build up this program, pending pallet availability. ADORE is currently sourcing options for pallets and transportation of pallets to the ADORE site, in the Ngarange village
In addition to the above programs, ADORE continues to help villagers in many ways. One way is through the ADORE truck. Many different errands are carried out using the truck, e.g., fetching water from other villages, gathering manure, carrying reeds, transportation for medical assistance, to name a few. With the bad terrain the truck needed some extra maintenance this year and Devxchange was able to help with the costs of repairs. This was in addition to Devxchanges supporting the volunteers/staff with their monthly stipends.
Devxchange support and prayers are acknowledged by the ADORE founder Paula Currie-Ovenden as ‘the vehicle that drives ADORE and we know that you do it with a heart filled for the Humbusushu and Basara Tribes.’
Thank you to Devxchange and all who supported the Adore Little Children Botswana Project.
Deb Fernandes
Devxchange Project Lead for Adore Little Children Botswana