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Project Approval Process

2 min read

Often initial ideas for helping others are inspired by compelling emotions of compassion and charity. While passion to help change our world is greatly needed, we believe sharing ideas, knowledge and experiences contributes to better development plans. The DevXchange process for project approval allows for project ideas to be strengthened through the input of Board members, technical experts and other interested members.

The Executive Director is responsible for screening proposed projects, obtaining appropriate input from members, guiding the project team through the planning process and approving the project for funding.

4.1 Low Risk Projects #

Members start the process by preparing a standardized Project Concept Paper or Project Brief (See Online Members Area) and submit it to the Executive Director. The Executive Director then screens the concept paper and determines if advice and counsel is needed from Board members or Advisory Council members. A ‘Risk Screening Tool’ is used for this purpose. If the screening outcome of the proposed project is in a ‘low risk’ category, the Executive Director may approve the project solely on the basis of the Concept Paper and inform Board of new developments.

4.2 Medium Risk Projects #

If the screening results in a ‘Medium Risk’, the Executive Director may obtain input from other members (including members of the Board responsible for Program Development, Finance, and/or Fundraising) to help strengthen the project planning and request the submitting member prepare a Project Proposal. The Executive Director will then work with the member and their proposed implementing partner to prepare a developmentally sound proposal. If appropriate, the Executive Director may also recommend other members join the project team to help strengthen its knowledge base, and fundraising and/or management capacity. Upon satisfactory completion of the abbreviated Project Proposal, the Executive Director may approve the project for funding.

4.3 High Risk Projects #

If the screening results in a ‘High Risk’, the Executive Director will invite input from all Board members and appropriate Advisory Council members. Depending on advice from the Board and Advisory Council the Project Proposal may be rejected outright or accepted, subject to further planning.