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Cheque Requests

1 min read


  1. Uses
    1. Overseas Volunteers for reimbursement of overseas travel expenses.
    2. Reimbursement of Expenses in Canada for project expenses or travel in Canada.
    3. Cheque swaps (You have donated money for travel or other expenses and are getting reimbursed)
  2. Download and Complete appropriate forms
    1. Use Volunteer Expense form if it relates to overseas travel where receipts are required.
    2. Use Cheque Request if it is not related to overseas travel (receipts needed)
    3. Download Mileage Form if travel is in Canada plus Cheque Request
    4. You need to ensure funds have been raised or donated to cover all reimbursement of expenses.
    5. You cannot use project funds for reimbursement of travel and mileage expenses.
  3. Scan any receipts or supporting documentation and put in one pdf file (multiple pdf files or jpg scans will not be accepted- it needs to be compiled in one file)
  4. Upload Volunteer Expense Form or Cheque Request Form (one or the other not both) along with receipts or documentation.
  5. Submit uploads using “Submit Cheque Request” button

Mileage Reimbursement (Travel in Canada)


  1. Ensure funds have been raised or donated to cover travel costs plus (5% admin fee)
  2. Download and Complete Mileage Form
  3. Download Cheque Request Form
  4. Submit Mileage Form and Cheque Request Form together
  5. If it is your first time submitting, please also provide a void cheque

