People cant help a project they don’t know exists. The more people that hear about your project, the better your chances will be. 90% of Devxchange donations come from people the project leader already knew.
- Friends
- Family
- Coworkers
- Fellow Church Members
- Groups or Clubs that you attend
Think of the way you would like to approach these potential supporters.
Many times we hear from new project leaders, “I’m afraid to ask my friends and family because I see them all the time and they might say no”. We never put pressure on potential donors to support, but we are not afraid to talk about what we are doing. You should be proud that you have taken the initiative to volunteer and help others, you might be surprised by the positive reaction you get from everyone around you.
After you identify groups your team can get the word out to, think of the ways you will do this that will come most naturally to you. Some simple yet effective ways you might consider;
- In person
- Phone Call
It can often take more than one time hearing about your project before people become interested, so having some printed material to leave behind can be very effective and asking people to join a mailing list or follow your project on social media can be a great way to continue to get the word out and build your list of possible supporters.